Monday, August 29, 2011

A letter to the blank page.

I hate the blank page. You, I guess. I hate you. I love creating things, but so many things have already been created that I feel like I'm just recreating. It's parody. Don't get me wrong, I like parody. It's fun. It's effective. It's comfortable, almost formulaic, but it's cheap. I wish, for once, that I was the one being parodied. I want someone to find my work so original that they want to breathe new life into it. So now, blank page, if you're staring at me expectantly, like a dog who knows it's time for supper, but I have nothing to feed you. But unlike that dog, you won't starve. You'll continue to stare. You are persistent. So, I apologize. I don't hate you. I'm intimidated by you, but don't worry. Soon I'll be able to fill you with new, exciting ideas, and until then, you'll have to snack on some parody.

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